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прием заявок

Steel welded H-beams

We manufacture steel welded H-beams of uniform cross-section and variable cross-section in accordance with ТУ 5260-005-62361323-2013 on effective up-to-date equipment for using them as details of framing supporting constructions: columns, roof and floor beams of buildings and facilities of different purpose.

On a ratio of size and form beams are manufactured of different types:

• welded H-beams replacing steel rolled beams for their geometrical adjectives as per GOST 26020;

• welded H-beams replacing steel rolled beams for their geometrical adjectives as per SТО АСCHМ 20;

• welded H-beams with individual sizes of panels and caps of the beams in accordance with the application of the Customer and design documentation.

H- the height of the beam, h- the height of the wall, s-the thickness of the wall, t- the thickness of the cap, B- the width of the cap.

We manufacture beams with length up to 16m, weight up to 20 t, there is possibility to manufacture the beams with panels and caps of variable cross-section and bimetal cross-section (using steel of different grades).

The assortment of steel welded H-beams.

Application of welded beam in construction of buildings and facilities allows:

- to reduce the cost of the construction;

- to use more effectively strength properties of the cross-section in case of using beams with individual sizes of the cross-section;

- to increase the sizes of bridge over bays by means of using the beams of more complex cross-section in comparison with hot-rolled ones.

- to reduce waste materials by means of manufacturing the beam of required length;

- to reduce the weight of the construction up to 10% in comparison with hot-rolled ones by means of optimal selection of the solid cross section.

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