Orsk Construction IronWORK Plant


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Buildings based on rigid frames of type «Orsk»

Buildings of type «Orsk» present themselves the system of framing from plane frames, hinged on the foundation, which are installed with spacing of 6 m. Each frame is single-bay. Multibay buildings are formed by installation of required amount of related autonomous frames, not connected with each other physically. Basic ones are buildings with the bay of 18 and 24 m and with the height up to the bottom of the supporting constructions of 6,3 m for craneless and 7,5 m for a crane variant (overhead travelling cranes with load - lifting capacity of 5 t.)

All the field connections are performed only by way of bolts. Due to unique construction of the framing, installation of the framed buildings of type «Orsk» is noted for simplicity and is performed in very short terms with minimum application of load lifting mechanisms.

Design documentation for the buildings of that type is worked out in accordance with the typical series of the code « Steel rigid frames (of the box section) of the industrial buildings framing. Drawings «Steel structures details» and 618. « Steel rigid frames (of the box section) of the industrial buildings framing of type «Orsk» for the IV area according to the ground snow load and IV-VII areas according to wind velocity».

Set of technical documentation for the buildings of type «Orsk» is intellectual property asset of Orsk Construction Iron Plant.

As a wall envelope it is possible to use triple-layer walling panels with zinc-plated and painted facing with mineral-wool heat insulation based on the basalt fiber. As a roof coating it is possible to use: roof panels of type «Sandwich» with zinc-plated and painted facing of plate-by-plate (corrugated sheets, thermal insulation, corrugated sheets) or soft roof on the corrugated sheet.




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