прием заявокBeam with corrugated panel presents itself the type of welded H-beam (both uniform cross-section, and variable cross-section), where to reduce the weight of the construction thin sheet sinus-shaped profile is used.
Production of corrugated beams is performed on automated Austrian line «Zeman» in accordance with ТУ 5261-002-62361323-2013 (certificate of compliance № РОСС.RU.АГ39.Н00906).
Application of corrugated beams gives advantages for the following directions:
- saving of the raw material is 10-25% in comparison with typical construction steel structures and 30% in comparison with hot-rolled H-beams;
- maximum supporting ability with minimal dead weight;
- light weight foundation;
- quick installation due to optimum accuracy of manufacturing and suitable bolted connection of the beams;
- saving of lifting machines while installation;
- original form, allowing the corrugated beams become a peculiar feature of the design;
«OZMK» is the only plant in Russia, which produce the rolling mill, used in the structure of the corrugated beam panel with thickness of 6 mm.
Technical parameters:
Title of the parameters |
Parameter value |
panel height, mm |
333, 500, 625, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 |
beam Length, mm |
4000-16000 |
cap width, mm |
120-450 |
cap thickness, mm |
6-30 |
panel thickness, mm |
1,5-6 |
esignated area of the corrugated beams:
-сonstruction of shopping malls and business centers,
-сonstruction of logistics centers,
-construction of sports centers,
-construction of industrial buildings,
-construction of warehouses.
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